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Inheritance Page 24
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Page 24
fiafia party
Fono Parliament
fale open-sided thatched house
falelaeti‘iti‘i small hut on poles over the lagoon, used as a toilet
kilikiti Samoan cricket, played with a three-sided bat and any number of players
lavalava cloth tied around the waist, covering the legs – man or woman
lei a garland of flowers, shells, seeds – or even sweets
loa a tree whose seeds are used for dye
lo taua mea lilo our secret place
masi a food made from fermented green bananas
Masiofo honorific given to a woman of highest rank
matai titled leader
moso‘oia type of tree
mumu loose-fitting tent-dress for women
nu‘u village
paopao dug-out canoe with small outrigger
palagi white person
palolo the sexual part of a reef worm – a delicacy
palusami delicacy made with young taro leaves and coconut cream
patele priest
pisupo tinned corned beef
pule dignity, power (of a leader)
puletasi tight-fitting two-piece dress for women
sa‘ofa‘i ceremony of handing over title
sau! come!
soifua! May you live!
sene cent
siva a dance performed by women
Susuga a polite way of addressing a titled person
taupou village virgin: a ceremonial position
teine girl
tala dollar
talofa lava hello
tama man
Tama a ‘aiga most high-born families in Samoa
tapalolo fishing for palolo
taro a large root vegetable, always served on special occasions
A BLACK SWAN BOOK published by Random House New Zealand, 18
Poland Road, Glenfi eld, Auckland, New Zealand
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Random House New Zealand is part of the Random House Group
New York London Sydney Auckland Delhi Johannesburg
First published 2010
© 2010 Jenny Pattrick
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
ISBN 978 1 86979 307 4
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